You have 30 days, from the date of receipt of the purchase, to return the item(s) or to request a REFUND and/or VOUCHER.
Note: Before making a return and requesting a REFUND and/or VOUCHER, you should contact our services using the contacts shown on the website.
Items must be returned unused and with all tags. PEKAN Jewellery intact. All returns of damaged items or those with signs of use may not be accepted.
Except for cases where the items are defective or the incorrect item is sent, the user will be responsible for the return costs.
All returns must be sent to:
PEKAN Jewellery
Avenida Comendador Ferreira de Matos
No. 401, 7th Floor
4450 – 124 Matosinhos
If in doubt, contact our customer support services,